For more information about CVS, visit the CVS project site.
Apache Ivy: Visit the Ivy project site for documentation, tutorials, and community resources.
The plug-in is being developed as part of the Eclipse WTP project, and interested developers are encouraged to visit the Eclipse site and contribute to the plug-in’s ongoing development.
该插件是作为EclipseWTP项目的一部分开发的,欢迎有兴趣的开发人员访问 Eclipse网站并为该插件仍在进行的开发尽一份力。
Readers interested in more information about the project or want to become one of the sponsors may visit the project web site.
Photographer Matt Black first photographed the mixteca in 2000. He has since made 12 trips to the region, and plans more. To contribute to the project, visit his Kickstarter project site.
For more information about the project and get started, please visit the RailsInstaller web site.
Visit the JaxMe project site (see Resources for links) and download the binaries from one of the Apache mirrors.
The systems biology Markup language (SBML) is an XML-based description language for representing computational models in systems biology. Visit the project web site to learn more.
Leisure Time: Duringfree time, the volunteers will have the chance to visit and explore culture andtourism spot in the near project site.
There is now a web site dedicated to the Transition Rig - please visit to follow progress with this project after you have taken a look at this review...
There is now a web site dedicated to the Transition Rig - please visit to follow progress with this project after you have taken a look at this review...