Beyond that, the triumph of recorded sound has overshadowed the rich diversity of technological and aesthetic experiments with the visual image that were going forward simultaneously in the 1920s.
In addition to their remarkable scope and range, these collections contain a striking visual record of exploration: the impulse to collect the world is reflected in a large and diverse image archive.
Our healthy participants had a basically accurate visual image of their own body, but the brain's model of the hand underling position sense was highly distorted.
There is clearly a conscious visual image of the body as well. But that visual image seems not to be used for position sense.
However, by presenting so much information in one visual image, the core message is lost in the details.
Can you come up with a visual image of how harmony works?
While it may be tempting to create a visual image, it’s essential the image is more than a pretty picture.
And what's most the most enduring visual image of Hendrix?
All three were equipped with virtual reality headsets that recorded their head orientation and displayed a corresponding visual image of the room.
A visual image of the application is at the top of the screen, and the source code is at the bottom.
The sole aim of a metaphor is to call up a visual image.
My mind has never before seen such a chair, but it compiles all the associations -- upright, level seat, stable, legs-and creates the visual image.
It is an incredibly powerful visual image.
As the visual image is captured by the eyes and the mind starts to go in overdrive, if you can observe very acutely the activity of your mind, then at that instant, you and your reaction merge.
It not only carry, convey ideas and information, and it's the responsibility of the visual image also shows rich formalized connotation.
For example, if you use the Properties view to set an object's background color to green, the visual image and the source code are automatically updated.
Chinese culture and art become the model of Japanese art in visual image and painting ideas in many respects.
Mark the overall outstanding in both English and Chinese contrast and coordination relationship, reflect the Mesnac Limited by Share Ltd internationalization visual image.
The system will automatically display the filter board when it is saturated by the indicator light and the visual image on the control panel.
The device uses application-specific integrated circuits to transform digital images from a camera into electrical signals in the eye that the brain uses to create a visual image.
The dimensionality of these works should be explained in this way - from any perspective, the visual image is 0.5 degrees, whether the perspective is left, center or right.
The visual image of the letters making up the word is converted into its spoken equivalent.
Mobile Portal supports Audio, Chart, Dynamic Visual, Image, Link, Rollover Image, Script, and Text components.
Opinions are also complex feelings born out of the base of sound visual image along with active principle in the mind.
We may distinguish between two types of imaginative process: the one starts with the word and arrives at the visual image and the one starts with the visual image and arrives at its verbal expression.
Characters, as a carrier, play a positive role in the function of transmission and visual image in the process of Literature creation.
TV program brilliant, rich knowledge, and vivid language, visual image and video, can let the children learn in a relaxed and happy.
If image is related to creation, the appearance of visual image is related to copy.
If image is related to creation, the appearance of visual image is related to copy.