You have many options when distributing solutions created using Visual Studio Tools for Office.
在使用Office 的Visual Studio工具分布解决方案时,您有多种选择。
The default Settings used by the Visual Studio Tools for Office loader do not permit any assembly to run, which protects users from viruses and other malicious code.
Office加载程序的Visual Studio工具使用的默认设置不允许任何程序集运行,以保护用户免受病毒或其他恶意代码的侵害。
The default Settings used by the Visual Studio Tools for Office loader do not permit any assembly to run, which protects users from viruses and other malicious code.
Office加载程序的Visual Studio工具使用的默认设置不允许任何程序集运行,以保护用户免受病毒或其他恶意代码的侵害。