This image shows the eruption of a galactic "super-volcano" in the massive galaxy M87, as witnessed by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and NSF's Very Large Array (VLA).
这幅图像显示了M 87大质量星系里的一次极大的“超级火山”喷发。NASA的钱德拉X射线望远镜和国家科学基金会(nsf)的超大阵列(VLA)目击了此景。
The image includes X-ray data from Chandra (colored purple), optical and ultraviolet (UV) data from Hubble (red and orange), and radio emission from the Very Large Array (VLA) and MERLIN (blue).
图像中的x射线数据来自钱德拉(紫色部分),光波和紫外光数据来自哈勃(红色和橙色),射电辐射则来自甚大阵射电望远镜(very large array)和梅林(蓝色)。
The image includes X-ray data from Chandra (colored purple), optical and ultraviolet (UV) data from Hubble (red and orange), and radio emission from the Very Large Array (VLA) and MERLIN (blue).
图像中的x射线数据来自钱德拉(紫色部分),光波和紫外光数据来自哈勃(红色和橙色),射电辐射则来自甚大阵射电望远镜(very large array)和梅林(蓝色)。