The vocal folds vibrate to create sound for vowels and voiced consonants.
But improper screaming of the fans can lead to nodules and polyps on vocal folds. My main concern is their health.
The vibration of vocal folds was slight asymmetry in 1 normal voice person and normal in other 4 normal voice persons.
PP indicates the amount of irregular vibration of vocal folds and I/F represents efficient transition from MFR to acoustic energy.
频率微扰商是表示连续元音发声时声带振动相邻周期间的微细变动量; 发声效率反映平均气流率与声能的有效转换率。
The paired vocal folds are located in the larynx, coursing from the thyroid cartilage anteriorly to the arytenoids cartilages posteriorly.
The results of experiment show that this method is effective for representing physiology and pathology of vocal folds and their quantitative changes.
They include the intake of air into one's lungs, the mechanics of vocal folds in the larynx, and the movement of acoustic waves through the vocal tract.
这些物理学现象包括人摄入肺中的空气量、喉头声带的震动以及声波在声道中传播。 典型的合成语音听上去像机器人,因为人类在解剖学上的结构很难被复制。
The height and diameter of each part in laryngeal cavity, the length, breadth and thickness of vestibular folds and vocal folds were measured, analysed and compared.
The height and diameter of each part in laryngeal cavity, the length, breadth and thickness of vestibular folds and vocal folds were measured, analysed and compared.