As Indonesia lies in the volcanic belt, earthquakes can occur.
Southeastern Zhejiang is an important component part of the Southeast China volcanic belt.
Pico DE Orizaba is part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt that extends roughly east-west across Mexico.
The Mesozoic volcanic belt in the Changbai Mountains is parallel to the ocean continent boundary to its east.
Volcanic rock reservoir in fault developed belt and its latter reverse area is favorite site for finding deep gas and inorganic gas.
The hongtaiping polymetallic deposit lies in the permian marine volcanic rocks palaeozoic geosyncline and the transitional belt of the clastic sedimentrary rocks in the yanbian area.
Volcanic rocks in Fanhe occurred in the belt of hedreocraton which was the product during strong activity of aulacogen.
Nanpu depression volcanic rocks most beneficially reserviors develop in Beipu structural belt of Es3 period and Es1-3stage , secondly for the Nanpu No. 2 structural belt in Ng formation.
The analysis of ore forming conditions suggests a common point in the main uranium deposits of Wuyi volcanic uranium mineralization belt that they all have granite as the basement rokes.
The fractures around the volcanic dome are rich in structural breccia belt, which is good place for the ore depositing, and became the host structure.
Most occur along the "Ring of Fire", a belt of seismic and volcanic activity around the Pacific rim that includes California and Japan.
The metallogenic belt was controlled by action of Mesozoic volcanic and magmatic intrusion, formed different deposits metallogenic belt.
Mesozoic volcanic eruption belt, which locates on Beihuaiyang area in northern part of Dabie orogenic belt, formed at post orogenic stage during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous.
The Hongtaiping polymetallic deposit lies in the Permian Marine volcanic rocks, Palaeozoic geosyncline and the transitional belt of the clastic sedimentary rocks in the Yanbian area.
Under the tectonic backgrounds of island arc belt, fore - arc trench belt, back - arc basin, and epicontinental active belt of late Paleozoic, it has different volcanic rock characteristics.
In study area, the igneous rocks consist of intrusive and volcanic rocks. the intrusive rock in this area are called Tanggula mountain rock which is part of Tanggula magmatic belt.
Therefore, the protoliths of the UHPM rocks from the southern Sulu orogenic belt were sedimentary rocks, mafic and acidic volcanic rock, granite and trondhjemite formation with continental affinity.
The deposit is a shear belt-hosted altered rock-type gold deposit in the volcanic rock area.
The magmatite is characterized by the mantle-derived magma and the volcanic rocks occurring in orogenic belt.
Lots of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits were found along the Aketashi-Saluoyi metallogenic belt in the Aoyitake-Qiaerlong rifted depression within the West Kunlun Mountains of Xinjiang.
Erlangping group, which lies in northern Qinling orogenic belt, is a set of volcanic-sedimentary rock series which host an important copper polymetallic mineralization belt in Henan province.
Erlangping group, which lies in northern Qinling orogenic belt, is a set of volcanic-sedimentary rock series which host an important copper polymetallic mineralization belt in Henan province.