Significant factors include regulation of line voltage, temperature of the room in which the device operates, temperature control, and condition and age of the lamps.
The concerted control strategy of rectifier and inverter is analyzed to keep high modulation degree of SPWM, which achieves quick response and high resolution of excitation voltage regulation.
To maintain both the voltage and the frequency within limits requires fine power control and load regulation.
Ovation technology will directly control primary plant equipment and processes, perform automatic voltage regulation, and manage information from the 24 spillways.
By use of MCS-51 chip microprocessor, it can fulfill the tasks, such system control and management, programmable control communication and continuous regulation of voltage with high accuracy.
该系统采用了MCS - 51单片机实施系统控制与管理、电压连续调整、通讯程控等功能,因而精度高、自动化功能强、使用方便。
The voltage regulation action of controlled reactor in distribution network is introduced. It can effectively control the variety of network voltage and improve the quality of power supply.
Two ways of voltage and reactive power comprehensive regulation of substation are presented in the paper, which are nine-area control and fuzzy control.
The excellent properties of the TPFT and its function in the output frequency regulation, voltage regulation and PWM modulation control are stated in detail.
详细叙述了三电平pw M变频器在输出调频、调压和PWM调制控制中的作用以及三电平pw M变频器的优异性能。
And it presents a novel digital phase-control method based on three-phase thyristor voltage regulation by micro-computer.
The influence of UPFC and its controlling parameters on power system stability, capability of voltage regulation and power flow control are overall simulated on a one-machine to infinitive-bus system.
This paper discusses the new-generation high-performance mobile processor voltage regulation technology, presents hysteretic control based PWM controller and the application analysis.
After the voltage regulation process used excitation control, it is fitted for three synchronization conditions and can accomplish the synchronization.
The paper believes that the speed control by the rotor thyristor is simpler than and superior to that by a. c. stator voltage regulation.
The paper believes that the speed control by the rotor thyristor is simpler than and superior to that by a. c. stator voltage regulation.