Most striking is the plunge in copper imports - 13 per cent lower than a year ago in dollar terms and 20 per cent lower in volume.
最明显的是铜进口的下跌- - -美元价值比一年前低13%,数量比前一年低20%。
Chinese stocks fell 5.25 per cent yesterday as investors continued to fret about the large volume of new share and bond issues that the mainland markets will have to absorb over the next few months.
But don't forget to make more coffee than usual - the beans take up 15 per cent of the volume of your mug or flask.
Despite warnings of the danger that MP3 players, including iPods, pose to hearing, 60 per cent of Australians who use them have the volume up sufficiently high to damage their ears.
China now accounts for 7 per cent of Coke's global sales volume and in the first half of this year Coke sold more than 1bn cases of its products in China, twice the rate of five years ago.
The shutdowns bring the total volume lost so far to at least 350,000 b/d, or about 22 per cent of Libya’s production and equal to Greece’s demand.
The bureau's widely watched composite index said that the volume of goods trade worldwide rose at 4.8 per cent in December.
Effectively the characteristic is that a volume share of 22 per cent would generate 15 per cent value - much better than in the US.
"Only around 10 per cent of the volume sold to individuals has been sold back to the company," Wang says.
Coke's sales volume in China is up 6 per cent so far this year compared with the same period a year ago, but during the third-quarter it slowed to a 2 per cent increase.
He noted 2 that revenue growth for Lenovo's mobile business unit exceeded volume growth, driving the average selling price of its smartphones up 25 per cent year-on-year.
If it's five per cent of the market and you can own that space it's worth doing because you can achieve volume.
Despite the rapid growth of hedge funds, the volume of assets allocated to them remains comparatively low at perhaps 2 per cent of the total.
Kent, its biggest brand, reported its sixth consecutive year of double-digit growth, increasing volume sales by 18 per cent.
FMCG sales volume was flat in 2014 compared with 2013, while average prices rose 5.4 per cent - more than twice the rate of inflation.
Emission standards refer to a volume content of oxygen in gas of 3 per cent.
So this year the group aims to double its export volume to 30 per cent of its annual production with new contract customers BAT Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
The price is a 17 per cent premium to Rothmans' 20-day volume-weighted average trading price on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
The volume of follow-on issuance in Asia, excluding Japan, reached $71.5bn in the first nine months, a 72 per cent rise on the same period last year, Thomson Financial found.
汤姆森金融(Thomson Financial)的数据显示,今年头9个月,日本之外亚洲市场的后续股票发行额达到了715亿美元,较去年同期增长72%。
PSAC member companies represent over 80 per cent of the business volume generated in the petroleum services industry.
PSAC member companies represent over 80 per cent of the business volume generated in the petroleum services industry.