How much of a volume discount are you prepared to offer?
The digital marketing agency Zeta Interactive has measured a distinct increase in the buzz -- recorded by the volume of Web-site and blog postings -- surrounding discount retail sites.
The digital marketing agency Zeta Interactive has measured a distinct increase in the buzz — recorded by the volume of Web-site and blog postings — surrounding discount retail sites.
At a certain number of started servers, a discount occurs because of the large volume of virtual servers running-for example, when you reserve 100 VMs.
They are sold at full price, while print editions generally go at a hefty discount to reflect libraries' volume purchasing.
Some vendors advertise flat pricing schemes, but when a customer is big enough, a volume-discount deal inevitably creeps in.
There is a 10% discount, if your order in volume.
Websites of all goods can be mixed set! With the volume and enjoy a lower discount!
Even worse, the popularity of your kit has come to the attention of some big online retailers, and they're asking about buying in batches of 100, with a volume wholesale discount.
There is a 10% discount if you order in volume.
Chapter four sets about from basic model of income approach, to choice and confirm and definite principle and method of discount rate carrying on discussion, and income of volume.
The margin of price promotions has an even greater influence on consumer perception of discount volume. Deep price promotions seem more attractive to consumers.
Cash discount is examined and calculated according to the total volume, the cash discount is treated as financing income and financing expenditure by buyers and sellers accordingly.
The result shows that if the selling volume and the intervals into which the selling volume is divided are set, the optimal fixed discount rate exists.
The a above discount offers are based on your company's annual anticipated volume of room nights.
The a above discount offers are based on your company's annual anticipated volume of room nights.