Appraised the sulfuric acid volumetric solution 0.
Abstract It was commented on significant figures of mole mass of Zinc Oxide and relative atomic weight in calibrating for EDTA standard volumetric solution in GB/T 601–2002.
标准滴定溶液的标定是其浓度的量值溯源,GB/T 601–2002[1]通过规定工作基准试剂摩尔质量的有效数字,减少因数字修约而引入的不确定度。
Objective to analyze the uncertainty of concentration of hydrochloric acid volumetric solution prepared and standardized according to the method in Chinese Pharmacopoeia (editor 2005).
Transfer 2.0 mL of this solution to a 50-mL volumetric flsk, dilute with Buffer solution to volume, and mix.
When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 10 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 0.1% NaOH solution.
临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10 毫升于250 毫升容量瓶中,用0.1%氢氧化钠定容。
When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette10 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1% HNO3 solution.
临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10 毫升于250 毫升容量瓶中,用1%硝酸定容。
When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipet 10 ml from the ampule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1%HNO3 or 1%HCl solution.
临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10 毫升于250 毫升容量瓶中,用1%硝酸或1%盐酸溶液定容。
When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 10 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1% HNO3 or 1% HCl solution.
When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 10 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by 1% HNO3 or 1% HCl solution.