It shows that unelastic volumetric strain is directly prepositional to the number of micro-cracks.
The permeability coefficient and porosity of rock are updated by volumetric strain.
Higher DA results in higher values of shear strain and volumetric strain in shear band.
However, Poisson ratio does not influence the plastic volumetric strain in the stage of strain softening.
The relationship between the breakage volumetric strain and the relative breakage can be fitted by a power function.
The accumulated damage model is viewed as the function of equivalent plastic strain, plastic volumetric strain and pressure.
The breakage volumetric strain of rockfill is positive and increases with the increase of axial strain in a trend of hyperbolic curve.
And asymptotic state is a more common concept than critical state, which is a particular case when volumetric strain increment equals zero.
We show that unelastic volumetric strain is directly prepositional to the number of micro-cracks, which is observed in laboratory experiments.
In this model the volumetric strain due to stress-dilatancy for a granular material is composed of reversible and irreversible dilatancy components.
This well along with the ambient aquifer system means a sensitive volumetric strain-meter to the earthquakes, and to the crustal deformation as well.
The volumetric strain due to stress dilatancy of sand is found to be composed of a reversible dilatancy component and an irreversible dilatancy component.
The location of shear strain rate localization coincides in position with the location of volumetric strain rate, which is the actual failure zone of rock.
The expressions of elastic deforming volume and plastic deforming volume in the plastic zone were presented together with the average plastic volumetric strain.
For dilative material in shear, the increment of local volumetric strain in shear band and the normal deformation of shear band due to shear dilatancy were derived.
Higher lateral deformation and Poisson's ratio as well as negative volumetric strain can be reached for higher pore pressure even though axial strain of specimen is lower.
Strength, volumetric strain and permeability coefficient, and even moisture-distribution above ground water surface can be determined by the soil-water characteristic curve.
In this paper a double hardening model with two hardening parameters (i. e. plastic volumetric strain and shear strain) and a single smooth yield function has been proposed.
By incorporating the theory of finite strain, the model is capable of evaluating the mean volumetric strain analytically, thus facilitating the procedure of numerical calculation.
On the basis of test results of artificial rockfill materials with different particle strength, the breakage volumetric strain of artificial rockfill materials was separated successfully.
In the test, after anisotropic consolidation, keeping the deviator stress, pore water is injected using pore water control apparatus under a constant volumetric strain controlled condition.
Based on the principle of interaction between plastic volumetric strain and plastic generalized shear strain, the method of numerical modeling for constitutive relations of clay is studied.
Experimental results show the typical characteristics of soil liquefaction: excess static pore-water pressure increases, effective stress decreases, and volumetric strain increment increases.
The volumetric strain induced by shear stress is shrinking at first, then dilating later under triaxial compression test conditions, of which the value is determined by density and stress state.
The total deformation of soils consists of three parts: elastic strain, plastic strain related to volumetric yielding mechanism and plastic strain related to shear yielding mechanism.
Shear band bifurcation analysis under plane strain condition is handled by two displacement variables, Instead of assuming the volumetric in-variance condition at the moment of bifurcation.
The effect of large strain and high triaxiality farours the initiation and growth of voids in many ductile materials. This causes volumetric dilatation in the plasticity.
Using latest geodetic results, this paper provides the calculation formulae for the theoretical values of the volumetric tidal strain and constructs the computational program.
Nucleation Theory, including Interplay between Surface and Volumetric Energy Terms, Coherency Strain Energy.
Nucleation Theory, including Interplay between Surface and Volumetric Energy Terms, Coherency Strain Energy.