Von Neumann invented a mathematical theory of games.
What concept lies at the heart of von Neumann architecture?
Can... programming be liberated from the von neumann style?
The intellectual father of flowcharting is Jone Von Neumann.
Another pioneer was John von Neumann, a Hungarian mathematician.
This is not possible with a Von Neumann single-address bus architecture.
Although von Neumann machines are by far the most common, there are other architectures.
The features and defect of "Von Neumann type Computer" have been discussed in this paper.
The greatest contribution to science by Dr. John von Neumann is in the field of computer.
Von Neumann pointed out that the same memory could be used to store both instructions and data.
Even the multimedia computers we use today are still making use of the von Neumann architecture.
And ideally it must be a Kauffman or von Neumann machine that can create things more complex that itself.
In the von Neumann architecture there is no definite way to differentiate code and data that is resident in memory.
The only quantum computing system available to buy—priced at $10 million—lacks memory and works like a pre-von Neumann computer.
Von Neumann quantitatively compared the speed of brain neurons and the speed of vacuum tubes, boldly implying the two could be compared.
The results show that there is good correspondence between the classical frequency entropies and the maximum von Neumann entropies.
A cell's neighbors are defined to be the von Neumann neighborhood: the four cells above, below, to the left, and to the right of the cell.
细胞的邻居定义为von Neumann邻居:包括它的上下左右4个邻近细胞。
Digital artificial life research is based on the original work of Stanislaw Ulam and John von Neumann at Los Alamos Laboratory during the 1940s.
数字合成生活研究是建立在Stanislaw Ulam(斯坦尼斯。乌拉姆)和Johnvon Neumann(约翰。冯。诺依曼)40年代在洛杉矶白杨实验室的初始工作基础上的。
Due to the rationale of Von Neumann computer are based on mathematical logic, it did a wonderful job when dealing with mathematics problem.
Even if von Neumann and Morgenstern considered it an interesting concept, they only worked with zero-sum games where the core is always empty.
虽然von Neumann和Morgenstern觉得那是个有趣的概念,他们只研究了总和为零中心为空的博弈。
Listing 3 defines a cell's von Neumann neighborhood by giving the difference between the coordinates of each of the cell's neighbors and the cell itself.
清单3通过给出每个细胞邻居和细胞本身的不同坐标来定义该细胞的von Neumann邻居。
To ask about the applications of synthetic biology today is like asking Von Neumann [the computing pioneer] in 1952 what the applications of computers would be.
当今询问合成生物学的应用,就如同在1952年向冯·诺依曼(J . V onNeumann)[计算机先驱]询问计算机的应用一样。
In 1928, the year Nash was born, von Neumann outlined a first formal theory of games, showing that in two-person, zero-sum games, there would always be an equilibrium.
In a computer with the contrasting von Neumann architecture (and no CPU cache), the CPU can be either reading an instruction or reading/writing data fROM/to the memory.
To reach this goal, convergence analysis, extrapolation, von Neumann stability analysis, and dispersion analysis are introduced and used frequently throughout the book.
Finite-state machines, however, have not lent themselves to being reprogrammed readily, thus sacrificing the flexible, general-purpose quality of the von Neumann-based CPU.
Finite-state machines, however, have not lent themselves to being reprogrammed readily, thus sacrificing the flexible, general-purpose quality of the von Neumann-based CPU.