Officials must often count up the votes one by one, going through every ballot and recording the vote.
The legislature currently has 299 seats, of which 243 are elected by regional vote and the remaining is distributed by the proportional representation ballot.
In a sense, you could deduce whether a vote is a write-in by looking at a corresponding ballot-election.xml file that contains PCDATA content, but using the attribute adds some useful redundancy.
从某种意义上说,您可以观察相应的ballot - election . xml文件推断出是否是补名选举,该文件包含PCDATA内容,但它使用属性添加了一些有用的冗余。
Stockholders often find it difficult to attend the annual Stockholders' meeting, so most vote on company matters by means of proxy, a form of absentee ballot.
Upon the demand of any shareholder made before the voting begins, the election of directors shall be by ballot rather than by voice vote.
The Good Design Grand Prize winner is chosen by ballot, with all jurors and Good Design Award winners eligible to vote.
大奖由无记名投票评选,所有评审团成员和Good Design获奖者都有投票资格。
The IOC's 100-plus members vote by secret ballot, with the candidate getting the fewest votes eliminated in each round until one city secures a winning majority.
The IOC's 100-plus members vote by secret ballot, with the candidate getting the fewest votes eliminated in each round until one city secures a winning majority.