This Tamiya VW Touareg CC-01 has been modified to be a rock crawler with a great amount of articulation in the rear where it is needed.
这田宫大众途锐的CC - 01已被修改是岩石抓取工具了大量的衔接后方有需要的地方。
Those involve, for example, the chassis design, or platform, on which the Porsche Cayenne sport-utility vehicle, the VW Touareg and the Audi Q7 are based;
In contrast, European carmakers such as Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen are growing more aggressive: VW offers American buyers diesel engines in several models, such as its Passat saloon and Touareg SUV.
In contrast, European carmakers such as Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen are growing more aggressive: VW offers American buyers diesel engines in several models, such as its Passat saloon and Touareg SUV.