You must always wait in a queue.
What's more, we needn't to wait in a queue.
What's more, we needn't to wait in a queue.
You must always wait in a queue. You must never jump the queue.
In England they call this line a queue. You must always wait in a queue.
In addition, she had to wait in a queue early for the minibus that took her to school and it was usually so cold that she felt numb.
Wait in a queue within the designated area, follow the order when getting on or getting off the vehicle, take good care of the older and children, do not squash or run.
This gem lets you fire off jobs in one line of code and implements a priority queue so that your important jobs don't wait behind routine jobs.
Since this wait queue is used sparsely, a smaller wait queue implementation using hash queues to find the correct wait queue has been implemented in the rmap patch.
The producer adding an element to the queue will wait for a consumer in another thread.
The requester can choose to enqueue a request but not wait for processing to complete, then periodically check for a response in the response queue while it performs other work.
In a bounded blocking queue, the writer thread also needs to wait if the queue is full.
In a blocking queue, only the reader thread needs to wait when there is no data in the queue.
For an average of RMB 20 an hour, li or one of his runners will take a queue number and physically wait in line on your behalf.
At the main Shanghai store of Louis Vuitton there is a queue to get in at weekends - young women wait patiently in the rope line, as if they were trying to get into the hottest new LA club.
However, it is not always convenient to wake up all sleeping processes in a wait queue.
Follow the staffs'directions, and get into or out of Glass Bridge in a queue. Do not crowd or jump the queue. Wait patiently when the lock gate is closed to prevent overload.
People are waiting in queue. This is your waiting-to-be-called note. Please wait and take a seat over here.
People carrying luggage and paper bags wait in queue to board the train at a railway station.
At the main Shanghai store of Louis Vuitton there is a queue to get in at weekends - young women wait patiently in the rope line, as if they were trying to get into the hottest new LA club.
在路易·威登(Louis Vuitton)上海旗舰店,每到周末,等待进店的顾客排成长龙,年轻女性耐心等候在绳子圈起来的队伍里,仿佛她们要进的是最红火的、新开张的夜店LA Club。
I'd stand and wait in the worlds longest queue. Just for the pleasure of a moment with you.
In Xuzhou, normally buses should run every 10 minutes, but sometimes I wait at the bus stop for half hour in a queue.
In Xuzhou, normally buses should run every 10 minutes, but sometimes I wait at the bus stop for half hour in a queue.