Based on the flow field parameters about the turbulent wake and this scattering model, the effects of reentry wake turbulent plasma is analyzed on the radar cross section.
A dynamic model of the towed system was established in the non-uniform wake flow field, and the shape of the towed system was investigated by finite difference method.
The nonlinear potential flow problem of the surpercavitating flat-plate cascade is solved by employing the wake model.
The calculation model of thermal wake characteristics of submarine in stratified flow is established in this paper.
Considering the process of dynamic influence of eddy flow at every section of blades, based on Equilibrium Wake model, dynamic Wake model simulates the dynamic aerodynamic calculations for the rotor.
The formation and distribution of wake flow behind a large aerial tanker are discussed, Then the mathematic model of disturbance to the refueled aircraft during refueling is given.
The formation and distribution of wake flow behind a large aerial tanker are discussed, Then the mathematic model of disturbance to the refueled aircraft during refueling is given.