Using skin cells as ink and a human body as paper, James Yoo of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has designed a printer that can analyze a burn.
利用皮肤细胞作为“油墨”,人的身体做“纸”,北卡罗来纳州温斯顿-萨勒姆,威克森林大学医学院的詹姆士·柳(James Yoo),已经设计了一个可以研究烧伤的“打印机”。
Using skin cells as ink and a human body as paper, James Yoo of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has designed a printer that can analyze a burn.
利用皮肤细胞作为“油墨”,人的身体做“纸”,北卡罗来纳州温斯顿-萨勒姆,威克森林大学医学院的詹姆士·柳(James Yoo),已经设计了一个可以研究烧伤的“打印机”。