The partial wall separating the toilet makes a perfect target.
The live show centered on the building of a 40-foot-high wall separating the audience from the band.
If the rest of the court agrees with Newdow now, it could declare that the phrase "under God" breaches the figurative wall separating church and state.
At the gate I found a workman, who had seen-her jump the low wall separating the garden from the road, and then ride on towards the hills and Wuthering Heights.
With only a glass wall separating you and your guests from the mesmerising marine creatures that call these waters home, your wedding ceremony is beautifully surreal.
Levin plans to tear down a wall separating the two businesses so customers can grab a coffee and check out the store's music, DVDs and comic books or catch an in-store performance.
Upon arrival, they found Wally stuck in a crawl space separating a home and a wall.
According to Kemmerling this separating wall was as high as the surrounding crater rim 70 years before his survey, but it had subsequently eroded down by the time of his visit (Kemmerling, 1929).
When we pursue our dreams, we find there seems a wall in front of us which separating the ideal life and real life pitilessly.
Thee porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.
The influences of the separating force and axial force of the piercing point bar on the wall thickness of the shell pierced, and on its lateral uniformity are analyzed quantitatively.
The utility model relates to a blood separating machine which is suitable for the field of blood products, etc. and can make the wall of a blood corpuscle broken.
The paper introduced the research and application of the movable and composed separating wall of the furnance.
An extract liquid outlet is arranged on the side wall of the membrane separating component, and an upper port of the membrane separating component is communicated with a cover of the storage tank.
另一个三通切换阀的通口与 排渣管连通;膜分离组件侧壁设提取液出液口;
The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.
The separating flow in a turbulent boundary layer was surveyed in a 2-d curved-wall diffuser by employing 2-d laser Doppler velometer.
The separating flow in a turbulent boundary layer was surveyed in a 2-d curved-wall diffuser by employing 2-d laser Doppler velometer.