What do the Chinese want in return?
And if someone did write that, what would that someone want in return?
This person has power because they can provide things that other people want, in order to get what they want in return.
The service industry is not different from other industries because of its material exchanging quality, in that customers pay some money and get what they want in return.
I want to return home, as I prefer to study and to succeed in life.
I'm now applying to graduate school, which means someday I'll return to a profession where people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want.
The fact that Russian scientists want to work abroad is not a problem in itself; large numbers of Chinese scientists do the same. The problem is that so few want to return.
I can set the assembler I want in the constructor, but I need to return a normal ModelMBean if the assembler is changed.
If this condition is true (meaning I want this item in my list), I return a new list constructed by taking the current head and a filtered remainder of the list.
there that we want to highlight. In particular, -- notice-- let me highlight it for you, if I can find it with the wrong glasses on-- we've got these return commands.
Likewise, it was very clear to me that they support Yahoo! In return and very much want us to succeed.
"We didn't want to scare people," she said, explaining that spikes in asbestos readings tended to return quickly to acceptable levels.
This latter process is known as unpacking and is an extremely powerful technique used in a number of situations, including when you want to return multiple values from a function.
Unless this is the effect you want, you'll either have to modify your composition, shoot it later in the day, or plan to return on an overcast day when both sides will be photographable.
Most people who comment are bloggers who want me to visit their blog and leave a comment in return unfortunately I do not have time for it.
It is the by product of doing things not for what you get in return, not because you "should" or "have-to", but because you want to, because they are a part of your highest goals, and what you value.
This is not the place you want to be if you don't have a guaranteed return ticket in your pocket.
You never know when you might want to return something because your tastes have changed, you have found a defect in the garment or the color is all wrong.
“And if you want to pop off for a quick one yourself later on,” said Ford, “we can always cover up for you in return.
Worse still, the person or institution who gave you the money will almost certainly want even more in return.
We all want attention and appreciation, and if we give it, generously, we may be surprised how much we get in return.
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the movement’s leader, has long been known to want to return from hiding in Pakistan.
Some means of sharing the resettlement of refugees makes sense. Southern countries want the option, in times of stress, to halt the return of asylum-seekers to their first country of entry.
I am the first person to suffer because I adore football and I want to play, and now I'm waiting in silence so I can return to being useful for my team.
I only want your true love in return.
It helps that both sides want something from the EU in return. Serbia hopes to become an official candidate for membership soon.
In many cases, if not all, you want to generate your own faults when errors happen; otherwise, the Web service cannot return a value.
In many cases, if not all, you want to generate your own faults when errors happen; otherwise, the Web service cannot return a value.