Valeant, a Canadian drug company, made a $5.7 billion hostile offer for Cephalon, a smaller American rival, and gave notice it wanted its own people to sit on Cephalon’s board.
However, the king went out to his dear children so often that the queen took notice of his absence. She was curious and wanted to know what he was doing out there all alone in the woods.
News of Kanzius's work drew the notice of David Geller, co-director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Liver Cancer Center, who wanted to test the technique in his lab.
Notice how specific the goals I set for myself were: I wanted to win the 2014 Boston Marathon.
We wanted to have a picnic in the woods, but a large notice warned us off.
Notice that Noah obeyed completely (no instruction was overlooked), and he obeyed exactly (in the way and time God wanted it done).
Boys began to notice girls, and all the girls wanted to look good.
The FDA put the world on notice in 1993 that it wanted to propose rules for sunscreen.
An Interpol most-wanted notice for him in 2009 actually listed his home address.
I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like ther, and I knew it.
I wanted mom and dad to notice me more often.
The thumbnail image seemed to make results with thumbnails easy to notice when the users wanted them (see screenshots below — page with the thumbnail image on the right)…
I wanted no one to take notice of me, so that I could observe these famous creatures at my ease and listen to the clever things they said.
Humour is also successful, with gambits such as' Excuse me, I just noticed you noticing me and I just wanted to give you notice that I noticed you too 'proving highly successful.
With George, I really wanted you to not notice that he wasn't there for most of this episode.
I wanted to give them a two-week notice, but they reacted very unpleasantly after I told them my decision.
We wanted to give publishers plenty of advance notice so they could make a smooth transition to the new format.
Colleagues explained that they wanted to perform this small service for me, and that I didn't have to thank them, or even notice what they had done.
Colleagues explained that they wanted to perform this small service for me, and that I didn't have to thank them, or even notice what they had done.