The eclipse was first seen Tuesday over Jerusalem, where the sun appeared to have taken a large bit out of its upper right section.
Siemionow, director of plastic surgery research at the hospital, worked with a dozen specialists to rebuild the face of a woman who was missing her right eye, nose and upper jaw.
A giant abscess was detected in the upper lobe of the right lung.
There was still the rayed splotch in the upper right-hand corner where a tear had fallen.
The patient had severe deformity in the middle of her face and was missing her right eye and upper jaw, the Cleveland Clinic doctors said.
Nothing out of the ordinary was seen when the picture was taken however if you look to the upper right of the photograph, hovering in the trees appears to be a figure of man in uniform.
So the basic idea was fine, but I failed to satisfy the initial condition that the answer had to be between the lower bound and the upper bound. Right?
The non invasive blood pressure of right upper limb was measured before and 2 weeks, 3 months after the operation.
The left triangle of auscultation was at a higher position than the right one, and the upper and medial angles were closer to the posterior median line.
Conclusion: the lower part of the surgical trunk of the superior mesenteric vein is the abouchement of the ileocolic vein and the upper part was the nearest right abouchement from the ileocolic vein.
An old protective Seal was about to be shattered, a Seal of brotherhood... His thoughts were disrupted, however, when he noticed a strange marking on the upper right arm of Leonus.
There was still the rayed splotch in the upper right - hand corner where a tear had fallen.
Next the blood-pressure cuff was snugly wrapped on Marti's upper right arm. Mrs. Allen seemed to be pleased with the reading.
A dilute solution of 5-10 MLS sodium hypochlorite was inadvertently injected into the maxillary sinus during root canal therapy of a right upper second premolar (5).
阿稀溶液5 - 10毫升次氯酸钠不慎注入上颌窦根管治疗期间的右上第二小臼齿(5)。
On the upper right corner shows a sketch of the artist's portrait, and this signing method was also favored by many painters of the time.
The first one was subjected to the exodontia of the right upper molars, and then divided into 4 groups, including 2,4,8 and 12 week groups, respectively.
The relics of Liaoning University and Bainiao Park are one of exploration parts of important relics in Shenyang. At 70's of last century, the relics of Xinle Upper culture was excavated right here.
The relics of Liaoning University and Bainiao Park are one of exploration parts of important relics in Shenyang. At 70's of last century, the relics of Xinle Upper culture was excavated right here.