This elegant utensil is called Yi. Ancient nobles used it to wash hands in.
We were given a basin of water to wash our hands in.
Poop and pee have lots of germs in them, so we need to wash our hands every time after we go potty.
With its unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Israel had sought to wash its hands of the crowded, increasingly radicalised territory.
His eyes were closed, his hair was plastered down on his temples like a painter's brushes dried in red wash; his hands hung limp and dead.
Shoppers are being warned to wash their hands after picking up a chicken wrapped in plastic, after a study revealed 40 per cent of supermarket samples were contaminated with dangerous bacteria.
You can even add drops of hand-wash gel to the water and stir it, before dipping your hands in it.
So go ahead and wear long sleeves in the hospital. If you’re going to wash something, make it your hands.
No matter how many times you wash them, if you are in public, your hands will pick up germs.
Singapore, one of cleanest nations in Southeast Asia, launched on Monday a campaign to teach people how to wash their hands properly to help curb the spread of disease.
In the morning they kowtow around Vphrul - snang temple for half an hour, then go home to change their clothes, wash their hands, have breakfast and go to work.
Wash your hands -- as well as utensils, cutting boards, and countertops -- in hot soapy water before and after preparing each food item.
And she had been wonderful to me in my first four years, when she taught me to read and count, clean my plate, and wash my hands.
In the same way we advise people not to use polycarbonate-based baby bottles, it would be smart to advise pregnant women to avoid or wash their hands after touching these sorts of papers.
This may be a problem for workers in the meat processing industry and even consumers who do not wash their hands or prepare raw meat and other food items on the same surfaces.
“Children should be allowed to go barefoot in the dirt, play in the dirt, and not have to wash their hands when they come in to eat, ” he said.
Thus — the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands, wears off in the bowl when I eat my meal, and passes away before my day-dreaming gaze as reflect in silence.
The two of us were filthy and sweaty. His wife produced a large water jug for us to wash our hands in.
The children sign in, put away their lunches, hang up their own clothes, wash their hands before they can play, and then choose activities in the classroom.
There was a weird sign on the wall in the bathroom, it struck me as odd, it read something along the lines of: If you don't wash your hands you can die!
Wash your hands after using the bathroom or changing diapers before getting in the pool.
6i wash my hands in innocence, and go about your altar, o Lord.
The Web site offers information on keeping germs at bay in the home, how to wash your hands correctly, and the importance of flu vaccines and other immunizations in preventing disease.
The Hornets were sold to the league on Monday when team owner George Shinn finally decided to wash his hands of the franchise he founded in Charlotte over 20 years ago.
黄蜂队的老板George Shinn最终决定放开他20多年前在夏洛特入手的职业队伍,在周一的时候把黄蜂队卖给了联盟。
One in three American men does not wash his hands after using a public lavatory.
"In order to prevent illness, it's important to wash your hands frequently," Cass says.
"In order to prevent illness, it's important to wash your hands frequently," Cass says.