The Doha round isn't dead yet, but it's being pushed around a nursing home, "said Doug Goudie, director for international trade at the national Association of Manufacturers in Washington."
美国全国制造业协会国际贸易部门主任Doug Goudie说:“现在宣布多哈回合会议死亡尚为时过早,不过它显然已经进医院了。”
The Doha round isn't dead yet, but it's being pushed around a nursing home, "said Doug Goudie, director for international trade at the national Association of Manufacturers in Washington."
美国全国制造业协会国际贸易部门主任Doug Goudie说:“现在宣布多哈回合会议死亡尚为时过早,不过它显然已经进医院了。”