When the gas is cooled, any hazardous elements in the waste end up sealed in a glassy slag that is safe to put into landfill.
In many countries power from landfill gas or waste-to-energy plants (like the one at Spittelau, outside Vienna, illustrated above) attracts subsidies of one kind or another because it saves emissions.
Waste decomposition and landfill gas generation process under different composition and temperature conditions was investigated by a landfill lysimeter of municipal solid waste.
The technology of recovery and utilization of landfill gas (LFG) from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill sites is cost effective and environment friendly.
Landfill is the worst environmental option for waste produced in the UK as the methane it produces is a potent greenhouse gas – 21 times more potent than CO2.
Instead of letting this gas escape and pollute the air, some waste management companies are employing a capture and purification system that allows them to convert the landfill gas (LFG) into energy.
Instead of letting this gas escape and pollute the air, some waste management companies are employing a capture and purification system that allows them to convert the landfill gas (LFG) into energy.