The procedure of sample preparation for residual analysis of organochlorinated pesticides in a paddy soil contaminated by long-term wastewater irrigation was investigated.
The principal problems are analyzed from three respects, i. e. pollution from township enterprises, the use of farm chemicals, and wastewater irrigation. Finally, some countermeasures are suggested.
In poor, dry regions, untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmers in business.
But others use pure wastewater for irrigation, suggesting that they have no alternative.
Spray irrigation sprinkling water over land to be used for crops. often used to dispose of wastewater from sewage treatment plants.
Protect water quality and conserve potable water resource by treating domestic wastewater to exceed Class 1A discharge standards and use for site irrigation.
Like a live organism, the protected environment under the Dome needs to receive fresh water for human consumption, rainwater for irrigation and rejects wastewater.
Native plants will reduce dependency on irrigation during the wet season, while on-site wastewater treatment and cisterns provide irrigation during the dry season.
A largely untapped source of water for irrigation and groundwater recharge is treated municipal wastewater.
The treated industrial wastewater can be used in farm irrigation which improve utilization ratio of water and release the water resources shortage situation of Changzhi City.
In this study, risks for human infection associated with irrigation of municipal wastewater on short rotation willow coppice (Salix) were evaluated in three countries.
Phosphorus fractions could enter water body from surface runoff and leachate due to excessive irrigation of centralized farm wastewater.
Use of partially treated wastewater for irrigation of energy crops could be a sustainable option if site-specific recommendations are developed.
This research is a part of China national 863 project ---Water Quality and SafetyEvaluation of Urban Reclaimed Wastewater for Green Land Irrigation.
This research is a part of China national 863 project ---Water Quality and SafetyEvaluation of Urban Reclaimed Wastewater for Green Land Irrigation.