Turning back to the mirror, Jenny saw a flash of light from the watch in the glass.
In the study, the researchers let volunteers read, play games and watch movies on a screen for different time while measuring how much light their eyes received.
It also reinforces the message that they should not do work or watch TV in bed, should limit the light in the bedroom and should avoid stimulants like caffeine late in the day.
When you watch someone do something, the same parts in your brain light up as though you were doing it yourself (called mirror neurons).
I love the natural light, and the ability to "people watch" on the street below.
As much as you can, look outside (or better yet, get outside!) and watch the sky turn light.
Kepler will watch them all for three-and-a-half years and wait for the light from any of them to dim ever so slightly. That could be the sign of a planet passing in front of its sun.
Be sure to watch the video below for an additional bonus trick to add a dreamy window light effect to these shots.
Marius indulged in melancholy conjectures; he dared not watch the porte cochere during the day; he contented himself with going at night to gaze upon the red light of the windows.
白先生和他的女儿不再在卢森堡公园出现了。 马吕斯无精打采地胡思乱想,他不敢白天去张望那扇大门,只好在晚上以仰望窗口玻璃片上带点红色的灯光来满足自己。
So when I see a video of me on the web, I watch the entire thing and look at every minute in that light.
A shot of hard liquor has fewer calories than wine or wine coolers, but once you mix in soda or cream, watch out… An 8-ounce white Russian made with light cream has 715 calories.
"My watch provides light," Julia offered.
My proudest moment was to watch all my boys go through the Arrow of Light ceremony, Tray included.
Sometimes I stand back and just watch a bubble as it hangs in the air. I walk around it, admiring it, and I see how the light plays on it, 'Mr Heeks said.
"My watch provides light," Julia offered. She switched the mode to light mode and the neon green light flashed in the cave.
Histogram - One thing to watch out for is letting any light source in your image (whether it be headlights, street lights etc) washing out your image.
直方图- - -要注意的一点是任何图片中的光源(不管是头灯,路灯等等)会冲刷你的照片。
She can also watch funds that sit unused in state coffers, and move them before any light-fingered officials get there.
Jean Valjean could glide along close to the houses on the dark side, and yet keep watch on the light side.
Remembering how the Captain of the Watch had admonished him, he stopped and peered about, but owing to his proximity to the light of his own lanthorn he saw nothing.
The moon appears in the evening with gentle winds and light clouds. This is the best time to watch the moon.
Long ago, we were designated by Heaven to watch and use the ways of divine grace and mercy to move you toward the Light.
'In the summer I sometimes get up before it's light, watch the sun come up, make a cup of tea, read a book, listen to birds... it's wonderful, really tranquil.'
Try running testled, and watch the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the BeagleBoard-xM.
尝试运行testled,然后观察BeagleBoard - xM上的发光二极管。
Watch as they seize the light.
Watch the moon to do a tree, the direction in the dark hold, hold hope for you to defend the blue sky, until the return of light!
Film users can extend the flash range by using Kodak Max versatility or versatility plus film. Watch the light.
Gossamer is magnetized, gossamer between adhesive, light image watch accuracy, while the lockout.
Gossamer is magnetized, gossamer between adhesive, light image watch accuracy, while the lockout.