Some scholars argue that the concentration of water within the urban core of these sites provided a centralized source of political authority for Maya elites based largely on controlled water access.
They allow a certain amount of salt to enter their cells, bringing the salt content of the water within the plant, to a slightly higher concentration than that of the surrounding seawater.
The water and solution naturally create a concentration of semiconducting material in the pattern as the water evaporates.
The concentration and distribution of water and other substances requires further analysis, but it is safe to say Cabeus holds water.
Introducing full-cost pricing for water together with taxes to discourage large-scale livestock concentration close to cities.
For example, if there is more water outside of a cell than inside, water will try to flow into the cell until there is the same concentration of water on either side of the cell's membrane.
The moon's low gravity also means that water composed of regular hydrogen and oxygen will escape quicker than heavy water, perhaps leading to a concentration of deuterium in the water of the moon.
The simulator proves that when sweet and salt water join, the concentration will diffuse until the salinity is equal in the total fluid.
这个模拟器证明当淡水和海水混合时,浓度会一直扩散,直到在液体中盐分完全均等。 如果在淡水和海水中放置一张选择膜,就可以控制扩散程度、获得潜在能量。
If any water falls onto the surface of your jam, the sugar concentration at that spot might become low enough to allow mold to grow.
Studies have shown that using fluoride toothpaste helps increase the concentration of fluoride in the teeth, even in areas with water supplies containing high levels of the mineral.
The fresher water, though, is put through the same process twice more and eventually has its salt concentration reduced to 1%.
In extreme cases, excessive water consumption can even be fatal, if it causes your blood concentration of sodium to fall too low.
The new results increase the water estimate to about 40 gallons, and by estimating by amount of dirt excavated by the impact, calculated the concentration of water for the first time.
Drinking enough water can help boost your concentration as well as keep you from overeating.
Extreme transition to a mono-diet (based on water-melons, grapefruits or any other fruit) may cause lower concentration of attention and inability to think clearly in three days after you start it.
Radon can also be found in drinking water, the concentration depending on the water source, and this can sometimes present a hazard.
Desalting water medium containing low concentration of acid or base, they have more rubber on the corrosion.
Water contents of stratiform cloud vary greatly, and have close positive relationship with particle number concentration.
Osmosis is a natural phenomenon of water through the membrane to high solute concentration from low solute concentration on one side, until the solvent chemical potential balance.
One way of minimizing the concentration is to always be sure that you have plenty of water to excrete.
Section water ring: prevent concentration in the peripheral Settings, seepage, to change the direction of flow, increasing permeability diameter, reduce the seepage.
Known as "water intoxication," the condition occurs when serum sodium concentration in the blood falls to dangerously low levels causing cells in the body to stop excreting water.
If you feel like you need electrolytes coconut water has the highest concentration of electrolytes but if your diet is good you should have plenty of electrolytes.
Then the water into the photoelectric colorimetry seat, instrument by comparing the color depth and ion concentration value.
The model isdebugged and validated by the data observed, so it is proved suitable to simulate river network discharge, water level and contamination concentration.
Then, uncle at the distance concentration fish float, after a while, as well as the fish into the water.
On concentration of sea water we obtain salt.
On concentration of sea water we obtain salt.