Water ice could be melted and purified for drinking.
Besides, there's other things worth investigating, like, is there water ice on the moon?
Geologists think that this fluidized ejecta crater indicates that a layer of permafrost, or water ice, lies just a few meters under the surface.
Furthermore, if the water ice was mixed in with rock and dust, it would be protected from evaporation.
You can obtain safe water by melting ice cubes.
A closed system would be, for instance, a glass of ice water with an ice cube in it, with the lid on top.
When the temperture is below zero, water freeses and ice forms.
Water ice could enable the creation of a self-sustaining moon base someday, a mining camp perhaps, or a departure point for further space exploration.
The eggs are washed with ice water.
The 240-kilogram robot was sent into the sky to survey Mars' landforms, geography situation, and something about water, ice, environment and other physical fields.
Hunters may accidentally fall into water if the ice becomes too thin.
LRO and other spacecraft ultimately found evidence of tons of water ice at the moon's North Pole and elsewhere.
There is water ice on Mars within reach of the Mars Phoenix Lander, NASA scientists announced Thursday.
As cosmic particles enter the atmosphere and bump into atoms of air, water, ice, rock or anything else that happens to stand in their way, they trigger telltale cascades of other particles.
It also might be related to the presence water and water ice.
The collected data from around the world will help the LCROSS science team figure out whether the impacts revealed more water ice on the moon.
And the chemical signature they saw was a good match for water ice, which they found all over the asteroid.
If you bring anything but water, ice and special lemonade, acting serious stomach problems, vomiting and stomach ulcers which is why people who suffer from this allergy are often in the hospital.
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope showing a band of dust around the bright star that strongly matches the contents-such as water ice, organics, and rock-of a comet busted apart in a collision.
Where you have water ice, you have a potential mother lode for lunar prospecting of hydrogen.
This NASA unmanned spacecraft launched Jan. 7, 1998 on a mission to orbit the moon in search of signs of water ice and other minerals in permanently shaded craters at the lunar poles.
Scientists think the best explanation for the gullies is that seasonal melting of nearby water ice creates slurries of sand and liquid water, which flow down the crater's dunes.
Since then, observations from unmanned probes from NASA and other space agencies have confirmed the presence of water in lunar material and water ice on the moon's surface.
Several space missions have detected water ice in craters at the lunar poles.
In Cabeus, approximately 5.6 percent of the mass inside the crater could be water ice alone, Coleprate and colleagues report in a series of papers in this week's Science.
大约在Cabeus 5.6%的陨石坑内的水冰,能和同事报告Coleprate在一系列的文件在本周的《科学》杂志上。
In Cabeus, approximately 5.6 percent of the mass inside the crater could be water ice alone, Coleprate and colleagues report in a series of papers in this week's Science.
大约在Cabeus 5.6%的陨石坑内的水冰,能和同事报告Coleprate在一系列的文件在本周的《科学》杂志上。