Many spiders can travel along under water.
They could travel through the air, float in water, and lie dormant for many months.
Many animals travel in tightly packed trucks and are deprived of food, water and rest.
The paths through the woods were often overgrown, so water travel was much faster.
There are free water stations throughout the venue for people to fill up their travel cups.
This means that king penguins, which feed on fish and krill in this body of water, have to travel further to their feeding grounds, leaving their hungry chicks for longer.
I once saw in Africa 40 to 50 people travel 25 miles for water.
In the future, people may travel to Mars (火星) by water powered spaceship!
These sounds can travel very far through water or the ground, but it is not possible for humans to hear some of the sounds.
One can travel from Shanghai to Wuhan by water.
Many people travel with their own supply of water and an industrial VAT of hand sanitizer.
Band bending is an effective way to kill viruses because the technique allows electrons, which were freed by the UV, to travel forward and create hydroxyl radicals by reacting with water.
Multi-purpose travel towels packed like pills. Simply pop one out, soak with a little water and the pill instantly transforms into a sturdy towel.
Road travel is also still dangerous as water continues to flow down from mountains, while minor landslides occur from time to time.
The particles the fuel gives off, which travel faster than the speed of light in water, can as a result produce a particular type of light, harmless in itself, called Cerenkov radiation.
Sound waves need a medium through which to travel, whether it's air, water, glass or metal.
We will not turn aside into any field or vineyard, or drink water from any well. We will travel along the king's highway until we have passed through your territory.
Tsunamis travel as fast as jet aircraft in deep water, where they are spread over a far deeper water column and make for smaller and very gradual waves at the surface.
Mr. Stark recently described the effects of climate change on pastoralists in Uganda. They travel with their cattle to find grasslands and water.
But light can also travel at a more leisurely pace, slowed, for example, by air or water.
Their method exploits the fact that water vapour changes the speed at which radar waves travel though air.
First-rate walkers could travel to find food, water or the best stone for tools.
As a result, I often travel with a razor and no shaving cream, assuming that hot water alone will do the trick.
The K21 can travel as fast as 70 kilometers per hour on paved roads and cross a river at a speed of 7.8 kilometers per hour with the help of its water-jet propulsion system.
The K21 can travel as fast as 70 kilometers per hour on paved roads and cross a river at a speed of 7.8 kilometers per hour with the help of its water-jet propulsion system.