Using this device, we can measure many oceanic optical parameters such as diffuse attenuation coefficient, remote-sensing reflectance, water-leaving radiance and so on.
The derived sea surface water-leaving radiance, normalized water-leaving radiance, remote sensing reflectance are useful in the study for oceanic optics and ocean color remote sensing.
So when a boat enters a gondola, the amount of water leaving the gondola weighs exactly the same as the boat.
Before leaving, Mr. Seymour turned off the vacuum cleaner and the water valve.
Water in the vadose zone drains down to the water table, leaving behind a thin coating of water on mineral grains.
It is held there by the force of surface tension without which water would drain instantly from any wet surface, leaving it totally dry.
This means that king penguins, which feed on fish and krill in this body of water, have to travel further to their feeding grounds, leaving their hungry chicks for longer.
With no outlet, the water that flows into the Dead Sea evaporates in the hot, arid air, leaving the minerals.
In the Grand Canyon State, every license plate reminded us that water changes the face of the land, splitting open rock desert like a peach, leaving mile-deep gashes of infinite hue.
The oil floats on top of the jar and seals out air, leaving water to collect at the bottom, where it ACTS like a Petri dish for botulism.
With so many units built into such a small area, the housing complex will achieve a density of 30 units per acre of water, leaving more open water surrounding the structure.
Moreover, once it has done its job, the iron in ferrates precipitates too, as iron oxide, leaving pure water behind.
Simply crush the newspaper into a ball, soak it in the water/vinegar mixture, then squeeze the excess moisture out, leaving the paper just damp.
The scientists are trying to prevent the water birds from leaving the confines of this preservation.
The sun evaporated some of the water, leaving land.
Ordinary household chlorine bleach can cause the iron in water to precipitate out into fabrics, leaving additional stains.
At that point, the Earth's atmosphere and water will be boiled away, leaving the planet uninhabitable.
As a compromise, how about putting two hard tracks at the front of the house, leaving the rest of the area to absorb water and provide for the plants and birds?
28then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people.
Bechtel—the multinational corporation that had leased their pipes and plants—had more than doubled water rates, leaving tens of thousands of Bolivians who couldn't pay without any water whatsoever.
More than 1.5 million people now cannot access enough water to continue farming, so they are leaving to find work in the biofuel fields in the south of the country.
Before leaving, Mr.Seymour turned off the vacuum cleaner and the water valve.
UNHCR reports at least 52 Somalis died when the boat smuggling them across the Gulf of Aden to Yemen broke down, leaving them adrift with no food or water for 18 days.
Without rain, the land began to turn to the desert that we know today, leaving people and animals to seek ever-dwindling sources of water.
When sea levels rise, the ground in parts of NYC will be swallowed up, leaving skyscrapers as pillars in the water.
They combined this with the best available information on groundwater usage to calculate the net amount of water leaving or returning to aquifers.
Other ideas include extracting water and leaving a dry residue for use as fuel or fertiliser, or making latrines into fly traps, hence cutting the spread of disease.
You can easily demonstrate the first way by filling a bucket with tap water and leaving it on the back porch for several days.
One day, the water ran out because the women forgot to turn on the pump, leaving Mr. Ashraf fully soaped and shivering with fury.
有一天,由于妇女们忘了打开水泵,水都流干了,让阿斯拉夫浑身满是肥皂泡,气得发抖。 “这也可能发生在我的家人身上。”
One day, the water ran out because the women forgot to turn on the pump, leaving Mr. Ashraf fully soaped and shivering with fury.
有一天,由于妇女们忘了打开水泵,水都流干了,让阿斯拉夫浑身满是肥皂泡,气得发抖。 “这也可能发生在我的家人身上。”