I liked the book the Water Babies.
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Tom found many water babies living in the sea. A kind fairy lady visited them from time to time.
US study shows babies under 6 months should not drink water.
But especially in rural India, where women often go back to the fields mere days after giving birth, babies’ diets are often supplemented with cow’s milk and water, which exposes them to infection.
Overdosing on water causes sodium levels to drop, which disturbs brain function, and puts babies at risk of water intoxication which endangers life.
Regularly dip into water - try tepid showers - and carry damp flannels for babies and young children.
Water as a beverage should be completely off limits to babies six months old and younger, Anders and her colleagues say.
Parents can take babies as young as four months to water orientation classes, and group swimming classes can start at age three.
The first floor also contains a gymnasium where lawmakers could exercise their prerogatives and a pediatrics ward for the babies that were thrown out with the bath water.
一楼有健身房,法律制定者们能锻炼(exercise 行使)他们的优先权;还有一间小儿科监护室给那些从洗澡水里扔出来的宝宝们(throwthe baby outwith the bath water 把宝宝和洗澡水一起倒掉)。
We never did do an impact study of water usage for cleaning versus disposable diapers, but babies use a lot of diapers.
But especially in rural India, where women often go back to the fields mere days after giving birth, babies' diets are often supplemented with cow's milk and water, which exposes them to infection.
Cleft palate , neural tube defects, excessive numbers of fingers or toes, congenital heart disease and water on the brain are the top five birth defects among Chinese babies, the report said.
Poverty is the main reason why babies are not vaccinated, why clean water and sanitation are not provided, why curative drugs and other treatments are unavailable and why mothers die in childbirth.
Overfertilization can also harm crops — as well as human babies if nitrogen seeps into their drinking water — and often triggers algae blooms and "dead zones."
就像小孩子的饮用水里渗进了氮气一样,过度施肥也让作物深受其害,经常引发水华、形成“死区”。 美国环境保护署:草坪撒肥机
The love affair of the brand with babies started in France in 1935, when Evian was first recommended as a perfect water for babies.
Babies of two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water.
Water born babies are slower to initiate this response because their whole body is exposed to the air at the same time, not just the caput or head as in a dry birth.
Or is it just that moms worry that their babies need water on hot days?
Wine is the drink of the gods, milk the drink of babies, tea the drink of women, and water the drink of beasts.
When we look back at the analysis of the statistics of babies born in water it proves that these inhibitory factors are more than theories.
Mother duck:Well, my babies, come out quickly please. I'm tired. I want to swim in the water.
They saw a swan and her babies swim to the other side of the lake, they saw a kingfisher dive in and scoop up a fish, and in the distance they saw a deer come to the water and drink thirstily.
Babies younger than six months old should never be given water to drink, physicians at Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore remind parents.
Officials in Toyko say that radiation levels in the city's tap water make the water unfit for babies to drink.
Officials in Toyko say that radiation levels in the city's tap water make the water unfit for babies to drink.