A field water balance model has been developed in this paper.
Canopy interception is an important component in forest water balance.
Impairments in thermoregulation and water balance increase vulnerability for hypovolemia and hypothermia.
The water balance problem existing in 4 kinds of more widely used gas purification processes is analyzed.
Research result shows that It can make effective irrigation scheduling by using field water balance model.
Water balance drought flood index is used as the agricultural meteorological index of flood and humidity harm.
A water balance drought simulation model is proposed for scientific evaluation and test of agricultural drought.
Water balance test is one of the effective ways to strengthen water utilization control and promote water-saving.
This model is made up of the water balance model of the groundwater flow system and the linear programming model.
Soil evaporation and moisture and heat transport are important constitutes of energy and water balance of soil surface.
The spatial pattern of annual water balance (surplus) values obviously increased with the increasing elevation gradient.
The mathematical model research about water balance and the humidification designs are described in detail in this paper.
The water balance of landfill leachate is one of important problems in practical engineering of leachate recirculation treatment.
This paper, based on the principle of water balance, developed two equations for calculation of water consumption on river valley.
Studies on runoff-rainfall relationship are important to understand the hydrological processes and the water balance in a small catchment.
Based on water flow advance data observed in fields, infiltration parameters under surge water application were determined with water balance method.
Unique formula can be refreshing for tired skin bleak moment added moisture to help skin maintain proper water balance, the more skin smooth and moist.
Of all components of water balance in farmlands, evapotranspiration, capillary rise from a water table and deep percolation are difficult to determine.
We propose that the evaporation driven by increased temperature plays an important role in water balance and influences the hydrologic process of Namu Co.
Based on the principle of soil water balance, including precipitation, temperature and other observations, this article built a model of soil drought index.
Using the monthly water balance model, the sensitivity of flood frequencies and discharge peaks for changing climate conditions have been analyzed and tested.
The simulating models about the change of soil water content under plastic mulch were established by analysing the changes of soil water balance after mulching.
In this paper the water balance method is used to analyse groundwater resources and allowable exploitation quantity of karst fissure water in the Mishian basin.
Systematic management model is set up by time series analytic method based on water balance equation to control, predict and manage groundwater resources system.
The monthly water balance model for calculating runoff on loess plateau has been used in analyzing the benefits of water reduction by soil and water conservation.
借助适合于黄土高原降雨- 产流特性的月水量平衡改进模型,计算天然状态下降雨应有的产流量与同期实测径流量求得减水效果。
Natural runoff variety and current forecasting researches are very useful for terrestrial water cycling and water balance research and water resources management.
It is proved by the verification of historical data that the water balance model is credible and easily available for the forecast of groundwater table variation.
The experiment proves that the absorber is advantageous to the treatment of tail gas from carbonation, so as to solve the problem of "water balance" in carbonation.
Rainfall-runoff simulation is the very important technique for soil erosion, non-point source pollution, surface water balance calculation and some other study fields.
Rainfall-runoff simulation is the very important technique for soil erosion, non-point source pollution, surface water balance calculation and some other study fields.