The paper determined nitrate content variation about 12 kinds of vegetables after boiled water blanching.
With the exception of hot water blanching, all the other blanching methods increased amino nitrogen in the vegetables.
In order to weeding out nitrite in Chinese toon, choose water blanching and accretion with ascorbic acid, lemon acid and tea multi-hydroxybenzene.
The chinese toon leaf contains nitrate, which can be decreased by blanching it the boiling water.
Because oil noodles contain low levels of alkali add a little white vinegar to boiling water when blanching to reduce their alkali.
Prepare a pot of salt water. Cook penne pasta till done. Drain. Pour pasta together with3 tbsp of salt water( from blanching pasta) into the cooked tomato paste . Mix well.
Because oil noodles contain low levels of alkali, add a little white vinegar to boiling water when blanching to reduce their alkali flavor.
Since this technology does not involve the addition of steam or water in the process of blanching, it has been named 'infrared dry-blanching' (IDB) technology.
Because oil noodles contain low levels of alkali, add a little white vinegar to boiling water when blanching to reduce their alkali flavor.
Because oil noodles contain low levels of alkali, add a little white vinegar to boiling water when blanching to reduce their alkali flavor.