Soil and water conservation benefits method and hydrological method are adopted in the previous studies on effect of soil and water conservation on hydrological and water resources.
The paper summarized the main benefits of water conservation forest such as soil and water conservation, water purification.
Even claimed benefits of no-till for soil and water conservation are not universal but depend on soils and farm practices.
In the selection of Soil and Water Conservation measures, to a mix of different factors, we can achieve the best ecological and economic benefits as well as social benefits.
Benefits of soil and water conservation was mainly studied after water retention was used in mountain orchard.
The monthly water balance model for calculating runoff on loess plateau has been used in analyzing the benefits of water reduction by soil and water conservation.
借助适合于黄土高原降雨- 产流特性的月水量平衡改进模型,计算天然状态下降雨应有的产流量与同期实测径流量求得减水效果。
The paper systematically studied the benefits of soil and water conservation on 4 different models of compound eco-agriculture on dry slope land.
The results show that the bigger the gradient of farmland, the more benefits of increasing yield and soil and water conservation.
It is builded soil and water conservation demonstration garden and eco-tourism scenic spot, and it can obtain good benefits.
The benefits of soil and water conservation mainly include the economic, social and ecological benefits and the benefits of reducing flood and sediment.
Conclusion the national economy evaluation on water and soil conservation management of the small watershed showed that this project will bring huge benefits and it is feasible.
At present, how to use a unified standard to evaluate and analyze regional benefits of soil and water conservation has become a common issue for decision-makers and researchers.
At present, how to use a unified standard to evaluate and analyze regional benefits of soil and water conservation has become a common issue for decision-makers and researchers.