As water tables have fallen and irrigation wells have gone dry, China's wheat crop, the world's largest, has declined by 8% since it peaked at 123 million tons in 1997.
I decided to crop the picture just above the water line.
Our warming planet is expected to face successive crop and water crises in the coming decades-which means each nation's natural resources will be more crucial than ever.
Involving farmer groupings in the management of the new pumping and water control systems means that water gets to the right field at the right time, thus boosting crop yields and farmers' incomes.
You are basically extending your crop production on borrowed water.
Under conventional till, crop response to spring soil water content was considerably greater than under zero till.
This year's drought has made planting crops impossible for many farmers - even a hardy crop such as cotton, that needs little water.
The Bank is working on irrigation and water management in Ethiopia, fertilizer use in Malawi, market access for smallholders in Senegal, and crop diversification in Mali and Uganda.
He doesn't tell us how much water we should be using to flush our waste or whether the equivalent of a liter of Evian per person for our farmer's rice crop is 10 times or 100 times too much.
But the point of the frightening statistics about impending water shortages, epidemics and crop failures, says one of the authors, is to jolt politicians into preparing for the coming afflictions.
The indirect harm, through its impact on water supplies, crop yields and disease is hugely greater.
“Now there is water enough to bring a crop to fruit, ” he said suddenly.
Increasing demands for water, in particular to irrigate the rice crop, have led to greater dependence on tube Wells.
No-till agriculture, an agronomic practice in which farmers do not plough up the land but leave part of the previous year's crop on it, also preserves water.
Dry conditions across the American West have spurred water rationing, hurt crop production, and doubled the prevalence of wildfires.
It involves providing creative solutions and alternative approaches, such as introducing crop varieties that can tolerate heat and water stress.
As he points out, India feeds 17% of the world's people on less than 5% of the world's water and 3% of its farmland-and, along with China, is seeing its cereal crop rise this year.
Better management of water resources increased crop yields, reversed desertification, and improved social status and employment opportunities for women.
The solution, Mr Chartres and others contend, is more efficient use of water or, as the sloganeers put it, “more crop per drop”.
Nitrogen and water are major factors for maintaining crop yield, getting better economic return.
Nitrogen and water are major factors for maintaining crop yield, getting better economic return.