The water closet is characterized in that a water injector with an upward water injecting hole is arranged on the back end of the closet bowl.
We put forward several years ago a new system where the water injector was used to supply water and increase the pressure automatically in the hot water heating system.
It is discussed that a method of testing layered water absorbing capacity of water injector by flowmeter directly based on the problems in testing input profile by radioisotope.
Depth profile control in water injector is not only an important technology of secondary oil recovery, but also the technical key of tertiary oil recovery in severe heterogeneous oil reservoirs.
In this manner the rate of water conversion (ie, the rate of fuel production by the injector) can be regulated and the pattern of resonance in the flame controlled.
The results of circulated heating of the deaeration heating systems were com-pared by using steam injector to replace the hot water circulation pump.
The swirl-flow injection washing water-saving device is formed from swirl-nozzle, swirler and multi-stage injector.
In this paper, I 1 irt reduce our research on the structure, m chanios, and perforna nce 4 water-driven proportioning injector.
In this paper, I 1 irt reduce our research on the structure, m chanios, and perforna nce 4 water-driven proportioning injector.