Water logging is still very serious, low-lying neighborhoods change into Water City.
Huibei Plain is one of several areas affected severely by water logging disaster in China.
Meanwhile, with the construction of modern cities, many new problems went up in drainage water logging.
The reporter sees on the scene, water logging road 2 all round full dweller, helpless to water logging.
A review was presented for prospects of germplasm improvement for water logging tolerance in wheat and barley.
Some neighbor areas in Shanghai YangPu District have strict water logging as soon as being caught in a rainstorm.
Via window can also see the household of the first floor being dressed in rubbers at home and cleaning up water logging.
The technical route and principles of city meteorological early warning system of rainstorm and water logging in Xi an are introduced.
Methods Experimental rat gastric ulcer models including water logging stress-restraint ulcer, and acetic acid impaired gastric ulcer in rat.
Floods and water logging is the consequence of the interaction of Hazard-formative environment, Disastrous flood and Bodies bearing disasters.
These were tree age, stand density, resin tapping, rainfall, temperature, clay soil, stone soil, soil depth, water logging, and other diseases and insect pests.
It solved effectively the persistent ailment of water logging in the areas by investigation and study to find out the ailment and put forward the option of reforming.
The characteristics of rainfall and flood are illustrated. The reasons of disaster are analyzed and the measures of flood and water logging control are also discussed.
Calculation of designed flood drainage flow rate has significant importance for water safety and effectively reduction of economic loss from water logging disaster in low-lying region.
How to cut down the surface runoff, to exterminate or to reduce the disaster of urban water logging, protect the city's water ecosystem environment, have become an important topic concerned widely.
Accurately deriving the true liquid flow velocity is the key for determining the stratification flow rate of oil and water and logging interpretation of liquid producing profile.
Water cut is a key parameter in fluid producing profile logging.
How to correctly determine the physical parameters of oil, gas and water has been a key problem in production logging interpretation.
A new method for establishing bound water volume with NMR logging data is introduced.
The key of oxygen activation logging interpretation was water-flow velocity which determined every measuring point.
With improved BP network, Adopting deep, short resistivity, and acoustic logging, the model to recognize oil layer and water flooded layer is established.
Whereas, The logging technology of high-pressure injecting section solves the above problems effectively, and fits kinds of water driving injecting section logging.
One of the important steps concerning data interpretation of impulse oxygen activation water-flow logging was to accurately locate the peak position in the time spectrum.
Questions such as the urban water accumulation that caused by the urban water-logging, have influenced the people's normal life, and has seriously caused to loss property of country and people.
All these measures were calculated to prevent water-logging by rainstorm or mountain torrents.
Therefore, it is very difficult to distinguish oil with water layer and to evaluate oil layer by using logging data.
This paper analyzes the causes of high water cut in oil well and proposes corresponding well logging methods according to the features manifested by all kinds of high water cut oil Wells.
In order to improve the accuracy of water injection profile logging, a new water injection profile logging tool is developed.
In order to improve the accuracy of water injection profile logging, a new water injection profile logging tool is developed.