This paper expounds the adaptibility of coarse sand filter with simultaneous air and water backwash to tertiary filtration plant.
Air filter equipment, air cooling tower, water cooling tower, molecular sieve absorber and fractionating tower in air seoaration plant can be manufactured in the company.
The amount and size distribution of particles in the effluent from a sand filter or from activated carbon filtration in a drinking water treatment plant were investigated.
The anthracite used as filter material in water plant for biological removal of iron and manganese has been studied and practiced through production practices.
This paper introduced the air-water backwashing technique applied in the renovation of the siphon filter in Guilin railway water plant.
This paper introduces the reason and plan of improving rotating filter screen in circulating water pump house in Douhe Power Plant, and the operation result after improvement.
Study on giardia and cryptosporidium leak for recycling filter backwash water in a water treatment plant;
以湘江原水为研究对象 ,对滤池反冲洗废水回用进行了小试及生产性试验研究。
Study on giardia and cryptosporidium leak for recycling filter backwash water in a water treatment plant;
以湘江原水为研究对象 ,对滤池反冲洗废水回用进行了小试及生产性试验研究。