The hydrology and water quality of runoff events were measured on gauging station and the runoff plots in the watershed and the rules of runoff, sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus load were analyzed.
Other environmental pressures to the reef and its ecosystem include water quality from runoff, climate change accompanied by mass coral bleaching, and cyclic outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns starfish.
The rule of pollutant discharge of the highway runoff and its impact on water quality of the river were discussed.
The rainstorm runoff is one of the major surface source pollution, its control and management is the main content of the regional water quality improvement plan.
The water quality characteristic of urban road runoff and the situation of pollution control play important roles in the realization of the road rainfall harvesting irrigation.
The major control factor of water quality is precipitation and runoff.
The quality of different roof runoff exist differences as well, asphalt roof runoff have higher concentration of pollutants while paving roof runoff roof surfaces have better water quality.
Through the analysis and measuring of the water quality of roof rain-runoff in Handan city, it is found that the water quality of roof rain-runoff is polluted seriously.
The runoff has the catabatic effect to acidification of water quality.
The runoff has the catabatic effect to acidification of water quality.