Full ecological agriculture theory considers that water resources available for exploitation development exists in the all process of water circulation.
The most pressing task for us to tackle, in my opinion, is to find new ways of making best of water resources now available.
The quantity of surface water and ground water, water resources gross and its available quantity of these years are calculated.
It is known to us all that water is the source of life. And the available water resources on the earth are quite limited.
So there is a lot of competition for the few available resources in terms of grazing land and water.
The available surface water resources are consist of available water supplied both by built works and intended works in design average year.
Soil available water capacity (AWC) plays an important role in the evaluation of drought resistance of soil, planning and managing water resources and conducting irrigation.
Construction and management of ground water reservoir is an effective way of increasing available water resources.
The available quantity of surface water resources in the Hanjiang River Basin is computed respectively by deduction method and improved WAM.
A method, with a guaranteed rate of 97%, to calculate mine water available was proposed and used in the water resources demonstration of main source of Jinshan coal gangue power plant in Fuxin City.
Monitoring the quality and quantity of available river water basic informations, provide analysis results for water resources development, distribution and protection services.
Though the water resources are rich on the earth, the fresh water available is little.
Water one of man's most precious resources, is generally taken for granted until its use is threatened by reduced available or quality.
In many karstic mountainous areas where there are no groundwater observation data available, water resources evaluation is conducted mainly dependent on karst hydrological method.
Water pollution caused by human factors leads to the decreasing of available water resources and the function declining of water bodies, like rivers, lakes or reservoirs.
Start with setting the concept of available water resources, this paper puts forward the calculation matheds for available surface water resources and total available water res.
Start with setting the concept of available water resources, this paper puts forward the calculation matheds for available surface water resources and total available water res.