The loess plateau region is a typical water scarce area and the drought is the main factor that restricts the growth of the forest and grass.
With floodwaters stretching clear across the gulf coast state of tabasco and food and drinking water scarce, health officials warned against cholera and other waterborne diseases.
In some cases, water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transporting waste to local rivers.
In the desert regions that the Bushmen have long inhabited - they are thought to be the oldest strain of humanity still existing - water is scarce and difficult to find in the dry season.
In Kenya, fighting has broken out over scarce water and pastures.
Inadequate investments in supply and treatment infrastructure means that even where water is not scarce, it is rarely clean.
This distortion tends to keep the retail price of water lower than it would otherwise be where water is scarce, encouraging consumption rather than conservation.
Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change.
It has always been more about creating demand for real estate in places where water was scarce or non-existent.
Researchers studying rocks brought back by astronauts have found that the moon's scarce water has a different chemical signature than Earth water.
Researchers studying rocks brought back by astronauts have found that the moon's scarce water has a different chemical signature than Earth water.
Most of the time the entries are amusing and sometimes they contain very pertinent information regarding the shelter and the surrounding area (problem bears, scarce water, etc.).
The water is scarce and it is too dry here, " he said.
And by 2025, some 3.5 billion people will live in places where water is scarce or becoming scarce, according to World water Council data.
It's a strategy aimed at avoiding and managing conflicts over the competition for the scarce land and water resources.
Over the next few months, though, the company hopes to install a pilot system at a dairy farm in Texas near the New Mexico border, where water is scarce.
In many areas of the country, growing populations and limited nearby water supplies are making water a scarce (and expensive) commodity.
In the ensuing turmoil, local chiefs across the Peruvian highlands battled over scarce water and led raiders into neighboring villages in search of food.
It's a striking irony that to extract its plentiful uranium, Namibia must use quantities of a very scarce resource: water.
Yet in many farming regions, water is scarce and likely to get scarcer as global warming worsens.
The resulting health problems reduce rural output by 2%, it found, and the costs to industry and agriculture of dirty and scarce water SAP GDP by another percentage point.
And even the most casual observer knows water is scarce throughout the entire Middle Eastern region.
And even the most casual observer knows water is scarce throughout the entire Middle Eastern region.