In addition to the reactor cores, the storage pool for highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel is also at risk. The pool cooling water must be continuously circulated.
The powerful system has the capacity to propel thousands of gallons of water a minute throughout a reactor pressure vessel and storage pool.
The pool cooling water must be continuously circulated. Without circulation, the still thermally hot irradiated nuclear fuel in the storage pools will begin to boil off the cooling water.
Puts forward a way to use the fire pool in high buildings as a water cool storage system. Proposes a design calculation method, measures for saving energy and an economic benefit analysis.
Meanwhile by analyzing the balance on water supply and requirement, it is possible to raise the norm pool level to increase the water storage.
The domestic water-storage projects mostly use basement or fire pool as tank, which the shape is rectangular and the height is not more than 5 m, while the study about it is relatively less.
There is a stock farm in Huiming Milk Products Plant, equipped with stock storage pool, water tower, hay warehouse and milking station. Now there are 300 Angus milk cows, 500 bohr goats.
There is a stock farm in Huiming Milk Products Plant, equipped with stock storage pool, water tower, hay warehouse and milking station. Now there are 300 Angus milk cows, 500 bohr goats.