The crop water stress index (CWSI) model for monitoring summer maize water stress in North China Plain (NCP) was set up in this paper.
Through the calculation of the water stress index and N stress index, when and how much irrigation and fertilization can been decided.
A field study was conducted to determine the relationships between Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI), yield, and quality of cotton under drip irrigation with mulch.
A method to monitor drought using crop water stress index which is based on GIS technology combined with remote sensing data, graph and meteorological data was presented.
We need to abandon the water stress index as a way of defining water scarcity and insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa, as it fundamentally misrepresents current and future water crises in the region.
The harvest index of all the test lines increased with the decrease of soil water potentials, indicating that water stress enhances translocation of assimilates to grains.
The physiological indexes were significantly affected by soil water stress but different sensitivity of each index was showed.
The physiological indexes were significantly affected by soil water stress but different sensitivity of each index was showed.