It was also shown that there was an inverse correlation between the speed of temperature variation and the initial water content for freezing soil, but no monotonic correlation for the thawing soil.
Whether the shallow layer of soil or the deep layer of soil, from 8:00 to 20:00, each treatment at different time, soil temperature were inverse ratio with water irrigation amount.
无论土壤浅层还是土壤深层,各不同处理在8:00 ~ 20:00之间各个时刻土壤温度的高低都与灌水量的多少成反比。
Whether the shallow layer of soil or the deep layer of soil, from 8:00 to 20:00, each treatment at different time, soil temperature were inverse ratio with water irrigation amount.
无论土壤浅层还是土壤深层,各不同处理在8:00 ~ 20:00之间各个时刻土壤温度的高低都与灌水量的多少成反比。