The impulse of falling water turns the waterwheel.
The coal-fired steam engine was taking over, and the waterwheel was fast becoming obsolete.
In 1832, the year of Michael Faraday's discovery that a changing magnetic field produces an electric field, a young French engineer patented a new and more efficient waterwheel.
Unfortunately this early plant experienced the problem common to many forms of renewable energy: the flow in the Wey River was unreliable, and the waterwheel was soon replaced by a steam engine.
The impulse of falling water turns the waterwheel .
Bye, waterwheel. "They lost in sight, but would be in my mind forever."
The utility model relates to a waterwheel type automatic fish collection device, pertaining to the field of fishery science.
本实用新型涉及一种水车式鱼类自动采集装置,属于水产渔业科学领 域。
The waterwheel type automatic fish collection device of the utility model is driven by water flow to drag fishes from the water automatically, gathered in the fish gathering box.
A slide projector that fell on a wedding cake that fell on a waterwheel is one description of the Executive Wing of the New Zealand Parliament Buildings, also known as "the Beehive."
The waterwheel type automatic fish collection device of the utility model realizes continuous collection of fishes, has simple design, low operation cost and can protect the health of samples.
本实用新型实 现了对鱼类的连续采集,设计简单、运行成本低廉、保护样本健康。
A Bellows operated by an assistant or by a foot treadle provided the forced draft for raising the temperature of the fire. Later, a waterwheel or animal power was often used to operate the Bellows.
A Bellows operated by an assistant or by a foot treadle provided the forced draft for raising the temperature of the fire. Later, a waterwheel or animal power was often used to operate the Bellows.