In 1994, a tsunami shadow was captured by video from shore moments before the wave struck Hawaii.
Few will soon forget the footage of a 30ft wave, churning like an angry beast up the shore - cars, boats and even entire houses, some of them aflame, tossed in its muddy intensity.
Lingering shore of the lake from wave erosion of the cliffs, sand dunes many East Coast, particularly in the state of Indiana and lake state Park's most famous sand dunes.
In the numerical model a 'narrow slot 'method is adopted to simulate mobile shore line and an eddy viscosity method to simulate wave breaking.
The near-shore wave-current field formed by the breaking of oblique incident wave is numerically simulated by applying the mild slope equation for describing the wave propagation in coastal zone.
In the paper, SWAN model will be used for the computation near-shore wind wave for East China Sea.
By integrating numerical methods and ocean models, a series of current and wave models from near-shore sea to inshore water are set up, which are used in numerical simulations and forecasts.
It was shown by numerical results that the model was effective in modeling near-shore wave-induced currents.
The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence , to be always calm, and to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore .
Hawaiian surfer dives for safety after catching a solid 12-foot wave that nearly closed out on his head in the Bear Hawaiian Pro Longboard Invitational on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii.
A Hawaiian surfer dives for safety after catching a solid 12-foot wave that nearly closed out on his head in the Bear Hawaiian Pro Longboard Invitational on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii.
A Hawaiian surfer dives for safety after catching a solid 12-foot wave that nearly closed out on his head in the Bear Hawaiian Pro Longboard Invitational on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii.