We have investigated the guide modes in two kinds of two_dimensional photonic crystal heterostructures by using the plane wave expansion method combined with the supercell technique.
An analytical series solution for dynamic stress concentration of lined cavities in a half space under incident plane SV waves was given by using wave function expansion method.
Sommerfeld's wave expansion theory demonstrates that a spherical wave can be expanded as the superposition of plane simple harmonic waves.
The effect of hole size on nonlinearity and dispersion of the photonic crystal fiber(PCF) is analyzed by the plane wave expansion method.
Group theory is introduced into the calculation of photonic band gap with the plane wave expansion method, and improved calculation formulae are derived.
By using the plane wave expansion and finite-different time-domain (FDTD) methods, we can find a larger absolute band gap in the low and high frequency.
And the simplest structure of Photonic Crystals is the square structure of cylindrical medium. Then this paper introduces the research in this structure with Plane-Wave Expansion Method.
The experimental results are consistent with the numerically simulative results using a plane wave expansion method.
The proposed device is analyzed using the plane wave expansion method, and its transmission characteristics are calculated using the finite-difference time-domain method.
Based on photonic band gap theory and plane wave expansion method, the effect of liquid crystal on the conduction change of PCF and filtering properties are researched.
The plane wave expansion method is used to analyze the photonic crystal, and is translated into the scope of the fiber Bragg gratings.
Plane wave expansion techniques and transfer matrix method are used to study the two-dimensional photonic crystal with a triangular lattice of dielectric cylinders in air.
Using common plane wave expansion method, Has been successful debugging. M contains files can be directly run, Pisarenko harmonic decomposition algorithm.
Using common plane wave expansion method, Has been successful debugging. M contains files can be directly run, Pisarenko harmonic decomposition algorithm.