We always thought that we would marry off Kat first.
We always thought that Grandad's stories were good but he knew they were true and never made light of them.
"Maybe watching from the sidelines was the best thing for him," Ferguson said. "he has shown some maturity and we always thought that was the key to him."
Just like we always thought that there are some things, some people, unable to forget, but our love was just at the time, that he just a let you move, we aftertaste, is the moment.
The group of scientists said that plants are not as quiet as we had always thought, but in fact their voices are so high-pitched that we just can't hear them.
Now, I don't know if they still used that cemetery, I always thought it was too old to be burying new people there, but we were wondering - were they burying something - or digging something up?
That is what we had always thought it meant.
We have always thought that it was sometimes a courageous act, and, at least, a simple and useful deed, worthy of the sympathetic attention which duty accepted and fulfilled merits.
He can do new things in our lives that we always wanted to do but never thought we could do on our own.
Always thought that we can from now until forever, but its just I thought.
Luigi Ciocca: I always thought that we can "educate" the people to the beautiful.
If a dog is a year old, that is the equivalent of 15 in human years (not seven as we always thought).
"Well, one of the lessons that we learned was to always be optimistic because there are a lot of things that we thought were going wrong, when, in fact, everything was going right," said Kimberly.
I always thought that was because we didn't have our children with us, but maybe it's also partly because of the super-darkness of hotel rooms.
I know that you have constantly thought of my instructions and in this way we have always been together.
RB: I always thought my heartbeat was somewhere above 180 or 190 because it felt like that, but at Ferrari we used to measure it, and surprisingly it was only around 130.
Amanda: Actually, I always thought that we go to the movies because we want to be entertained. I wasn't aware that it was supposed to be educational, like going to school or something.
What some thought was instinct was that we lived in a tribe, village, or extended family where there was always someone to correct our parenting mistakes or help us out.
We have always thought that the office is the place of work, but work is work, but I do not know the office feng shui can bring us happiness, but also can bring money to the enterprise.
我们一直认为写字楼就是工作的地方,除了工作就是工作,却不知写字楼风水是可以给我们带来快乐,同时也可以给企业带来财运。 。
We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America, and I always will.
How did that change happened, was that always there, were you always looking at how did this thought affect the way we actually live our lives?
I've always thought that if we could get some of the real street smarts of the African kids in war-torn countries and combine it with the book smarts of our kids, then you'd really have something.
But occasionally in life, the people we thought would always be there for us. leave, and if that happens, it's amazing the length we will go to get them back.
But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that it's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin.
But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that it's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin.