How do we know, for example, that the stars are really huge balls of fire like the Sun and very far away?
In each case it's a trial by fire, a strategic assessment: are you sufficiently like me that we can communicate?
The Beijing 29th Olympic Games like a raging fire are carrying on, We are still going all out work.
Yet, through suffering, we are purified "like gold tested in fire, " and found worthy.
How do we know, for instance, that the stars, which look like tiny pinpricks in the sky, are really huge balls of fire like the sun and are very far away?
This patent on self-rescue instrument is a new device, it's just like a man-made spider's silk-bag and it can save our lives when we are in a storied-building fire.
Just like daily exercise leads to a more fit and healthy body, there are habits that lead to fire in your belly. If we are to cultivate such a lifestyle we must act accordingly.
Just like daily exercise leads to a more fit and healthy body, there are habits that lead to fire in your belly. If we are to cultivate such a lifestyle we must act accordingly.