I love having friends at my place, but I have never had enough seats for everyone we would always end up with just sitting on the floor.
We can share our videos with our friends by just a click on the mobile phone screen.
We can learn how to make jiaozi even if we were born from Russian parents in Paris just as we can learn how to speak English even if none of our family or friends speak that language.
But as I said during the campaign, we can't just talk to our friends.
New research shows that happiness isn't just an individual phenomenon; we can catch happiness from friends and family members like an emotional virus.
Though not a disaster, this would inconvenience us greatly – but Andreas, the chief, and I had become good friends by this point and we just shared a guilty schoolboy grin.
We can be happy just seeing a film with friends.
We just started talking to friends about the stuff we are doing and our network of relationships started sending us business.
Just like we know our friends' secrets, we know stuff about our own bodies that other people don't.
“We were just saying to them, ‘Don’t do this now to our friends in Egypt,’ ” he recounted.
"We were just saying to them, 'Don't do this now to our friends in Egypt,'" he recounted.
I think it shows that we didn't just call each other best friends, we truly were best friends, and even now we can be best friends again.
And almost all the other things we think make us happy actually are just ways of getting more family and friends.
Maybe it’s because we assume guys possess impenetrable egos — but the truth is, they can be just as insecure as your female friends and would probably appreciate a compliment now and then.
Often in a quiet moment, just before going to sleep, while reviewing the day, we try to work out how friends and family might interpret what we've said and done.
But in casual talk between friends we can just use this phrase.
The bottom line is that we web designers, just like our friends in the programming world, tend to repeat ourselves often.
Great for sharing links and leaving your comments just for your Facebook friends to see, Zingr is a snarky new tool we think some of you might enjoy.
There should be a site where we can show the world just how lame this is, " says Keith Hanson, a Louisiana-based software writer who developed the site with three friends this spring.
Then we met, and spent more and more time with each other, and just became really good friends.
We enjoy eating out a couple times and month whether with friends or just as a couple.
She said, 'we were just good friends.
And I am Soooo Not Competitive: we don't just want more friends than everybody else; we also want the highest score in Word Twist and the most virtual Easter Eggs.
Instead, we should be sending specific messages when trying to motivate our staff, our team, our customers, or our friends - not just a call for action but a call for this particular action.
Instead, we should be sending specific messages when trying to motivate our staff, our team, our customers, or our friends - not just a call for action but a call for this particular action.